For the Medicine of Tomorrow...
Our motto is "For the Medicine of Tomorrow" because I believe our actions today are the medicine for tomorrow. Investing our personal energy into holistic, sustainable and grassroots solutions is the foundation to healing this plant and humanity. My offerings are an invitation to reclaim your birth right to tend to the earth and work with plants and plant medicine. Seeds are magical. They literally contain the genetic material of the future. To be able to hold that in your hand is quite empowering!
The simple act of saving and starting seeds is one that will deepen your sense of independence from a system that has failed many in terms of access to health care and healthy food. Tending plants will also shift your attention toward your interdependence with the natural world. Full disclosure... the feeling you get from starting seeds may become so addictive that you'll have to start a seed business to justify the obsession ;-)
This obsession turned business is the work I offer to help us start down a new path. Simple solutions are needed to complex problems so that everyone can play a role in shaping our future. By working with seeds and plants you are joining a growing movement, one with mother nature leading the way. Our role is to humbly care take for her and show deep gratitude for the bountiful harvests she provides.
Seed security means many small-scale sources of sustainably and ethically grown seed. Mass produced seed that is distributed through complex and fragile supply chains causes a dangerous dependency. During times of climate, political and economic uncertainty, this could lead to lack of access to seed for many farmers and gardeners. For this reason, we will continue to expand our selection of high quality, small scale and sustainably grown seed, "For the Medicine of Tomorrow".
-Jessica Manchester
Owner & Founder, Earthbeat Seeds